Become the Investors’
Next Unicorn

Bring Your Idea to Life

Without Breaking the Bank

Become the investors' next tech unicorn

Speed is Essential

Speed of execution is essential137,000 startups are launched every day.

1,000 new pitch decks are created every day.

Angel investors only fund one out of every 400 pitches.

While you’re contemplating your new idea, someone else is probably already working on it. So, a dvance your idea with investors as quickly and be the Unicorn. Or wait and be the donkey as someone else passes you by.

Engage Investors with a Proof of Concept

Proof of conceptA Proof of Concept (PoC) is your Van de Graaff generator. It makes people’s hair stand up and gets attention. But it doesn’t otherwise accomplish anything. It only shows what is possible. Use a PoC to sell stakeholders and early investors.

In contrast, a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is your money machine. You feed the machine resources and development sprints. And the machine spits out paying customers. Then take your magical money-making machine to late-stage investors and get the cash to scale.

Build Your POC or MVP Quickly Without Breaking the Bank

Become your investors’ next unicorn by moving both quickly and cheaply.

Whether you need the latest AI or in-demand technology, we have developers for all technologies. You don’t need to wait months to build the team, we can have the team ready this week.

Let the other startups reveal the donkeys they are as they spend months recruiting their team. Investors love unicorns and shun donkeys.  

Protect Your IP

COVID taught the world that remote work can be secure. So, we copied the security blueprint and use it on every project.  We’ve developed and deployed software for some of the world” biggest brands.

Quick-Start, Quick Results Blueprint

Don’t waste another day when another 1000 pitch decks will be created. Get your idea flushed out and in front of the investors in four quick steps with these deliverables.

Deliverable #1: Critical Technology Blueprint

Identify the architecture and technology needed. The coding language, types of databases, physical or virtual or hybrid.

Deliverable #2: Dream Team Project Blueprint

The number of engineers and the seniority of the engineers needed to pull this off. Definition of the roles including the product owner.

Deliverable #3: Dream Team Execution Blueprint

This is a timeline for doing the project. It includes multiple options including Onshore, Nearshore, and Hybrid Offshore.

Deliverable #4: Technology Budget Blueprint

This provides both the development and the ongoing costs for different technology choices for the project. It’s an estimate of the deployment and maintenance costs expected for this project.

Once you have this execution plan, you’ve got three options:

  1. Take the execution plan and execute it yourself.
  2. Take the execution plan and have someone else execute it for you.
  3. If we mutually agree, we’ll help you execute and plug your revenue leaks.

Proven Track Record

Our teams have served some of the biggest brands in the world.

They can bring the same talent to tackle your challenges.

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